MOFET JTEC Portal Newsletter
Dear Subscriber,
We are delighted to send you the latest issue of The MOFET JTEC Portal resource listing.
The current bulletin contains research findings, educational resources, conference information, etc. selected from journals and other Jewish education publications. We are happy to announce the opening of registration for the winter semester of MOFET Institute's Online Academy of Jewish Studies with a rich offering of courses for Jewish educators. We hope you will share this information with your colleagues. See details below.
Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading and a joyful Chanukah, Reuven Werber
The MOFET JTEC Portal Team
Learning to Teach Online - ORT Israel
In the beginning of October, 2009, a unique project for learning to develop online lessons across the curriculum was launched. The project has been undertaken by ORT Israel's Administration for R&D and Training. Seventy teachers who are participating in the project will learn the principles of developing online lessons, develop online lessons and use them in their classes. These teachers, who are meant to be leaders of pedagogical innovation in the ORT network of schools, have been equipped with Netbook personal computers to facilitate their work.
For the Disabled, Birthright Trips Are Extra Special
Birthright, the 10 day Israel trip, which has brought some 220,000 Jews aged 18 to 26 to Israel since its inception in 2000, also runs specially tailored Birthright programs for those with disabilities. They have organized trips for young people with Asperger's syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism, for the hearing impaired, the developmentally disabled and wheelchair users, and has had one trip for blind participants. By the end of 2009, at least 28 groups of people with special needs will have traveled to Israel on Birthright since 2003.
Israel Launches Cultural Center in Budapest
The Jewish Agency has laid the cornerstone for a new Israel Cultural Center in Budapest that could serve as a testing-ground for similar Israel-Diaspora centers worldwide. Modeled on other nations' foreign cultural services, the center will bring under one roof a wide range of activities connected to Israel, and will expose visitors to a many fields of Israeli culture.
The Felix Posen Bibliographic Project on Antisemitism
The Bibliographic Project is a comprehensive online database accessible through Israel's university library network (ALEPH), and printed bibliographies. It lists books, dissertations, master's theses, and articles from periodicals and collections published throughout the world on the subject of anti-Semitism throughout the centuries, from the ancient period to the present. The database is cumulative and ongoing, now containing more than 50,000 items. Publications from 1984 onwards are accompanied by an English abstract.
The Online Academy of Jewish Studies at the MOFET Institute Has Opened its Gates!
The MOFET Institute's Online Academy is running its first semester and has opened registration for the winter semester of online courses whose main objective is to prepare teachers, educators and leaders in Jewish communities in the Diaspora for their mission. The courses, in areas that are suitable for educators and leaders in the Jewish world as well as students in universities and colleges in the fields of the didactics and pedagogy of teaching Jewish subjects in the Diaspora, are taught via the internet, a-synchronously with synchronous components. The course developers and lecturers are all experts in their fields and senior staff members of Israel's top institutes of higher education.