Midreshet – Learning Resources for Anyone Anywhere


Source: Midreshet


Midreshet, a Hebrew resource, was created by the Israeli Bet Midrash Network, to make available Jewish learning resources for hevruta (pairs) or small group learning as carried out in Jewish halls of study. The site contains three hundred resource sheets created by teachers of the 18 pluralistic batei midrash in Israel covering a wide range of topics. The site also contains a digital wizard for creating and printing personal resource sheets based on other resort sheets or a wealth of other resources contained on the site. Users can also upload to the site resource sheets which they have created to share with the community.


The Israeli Bet Midrash Network promotes pluralistic, dialogic, egalitarian learning, encouraging the learners to interact with themselves, the group leader and the Jewish sources, bringing to the study their own relevant input and contributions. This open learning is meant to encourage the learners to develop meaningful connections with the rich Jewish tradition as it developed through the ages.


The site is equipped with a sophisticated search mechanism which allows the user to find study sheets, resources, definitions and explanations on the topics that interest him. The site also provides connections with online study groups at the various batei midrash and help in finding face to face study groups sponsored by them.

Among the topics of the online study sheets:

The Jewish Year
The Jewish Life Cycle
The Individual and Society
Beliefs and Opinions
Man and Space
The Weekly Parsha

Updated: Nov. 17, 2009
