Yiddish Goes Virtual With Online Classes

September 19, 2014

Source: Tablet Magazine


The Workmen’s Circle, which bills itself as “the largest provider of Yiddish language classes in the United States outside of academic institutions”, is now offering online Yiddish courses. They are offering two brand-new online courses, intermediate and advanced, for Fall 2014. All sessions are recorded for students to watch at their own pace.


The intermediate 10 session class was developed in partnership with Forverts (The Yiddish Daily Forward), and is taught entirely in Yiddish. Designed for intermediate students, classes focuses on current events using online resources, audio clips and video materials. A Forverts staff member joins every session to review the paper’s latest stories.

The advanced 19 session course is taught entirely in Yiddish and will focus on Yiddishkayt and Jewish history. Designed for advanced students, classes focus on the literary works of Sholem Aleichem, Aaron Zeitlin, Jacob Glatstein, Arn Leyeles, Avrom Karpinovich and others.

For more information see the Wokmen's Circle website: https://circle.org/what-we-do/yiddish-language/learn-online/

Updated: Sep. 29, 2014
