How to Learn Hebrew: A Guide to Online Courses, Tools and Programs for Adult Students


Source: My Jewish Learning 


At no point in history have there been more ways of learning Hebrew. Thanks to modern technology, there are many, many options out there, even for those with limited budgets, schedules and mobility — ranging in price from absolutely free to thousands of dollars. In addition to the traditional route of consulting books or signing up for an in-person class through a synagogue, Jewish community center or university — or traveling to Israel where there are myriad in-person courses and programs, you now can choose from an array of online courses, apps and software. Or, you can set aside a summer vacation for a full-scale immersion program in rustic Vermont!

In sifting among the options, think about your goals, your level of self-discipline and how much time you are able to commit to the endeavor. Are you looking simply to decode, so you can follow along in the prayer book? Do you want to study the Bible in its original? Seeking to learn a few phrases to use on a vacation in Israel? Or are you hoping to become fluent in conversational Hebrew? Also, bear in mind that a program that’s great for the complete beginner may be less useful for an advanced learner.

Included is a sampling of online courses and resources organized by category and alphabetically.

Read the entire article at My Jewish Learning.

Updated: Nov. 23, 2016
