MOFET Around the World – MASA – Online Education Portal




Since 2004, The MOFET Institute has been providing an online Hebrew language education portal, MOFET MASA, for the benefit of the Hebrew speaking education community. The portal aims to improve the flow of global and Israeli pedagogical information among the MOFET users, teacher educators, pedagogy instructors, libraries and information centers in teacher colleges, universities and other research and practice institutions.


The MASA Portal staff, headed by MOFET Institute's Chief Information Officer, Mr. Ami Salant, gathers, filters, processes, catalogues and disperses information from hundreds of educational sources, including scientific publications, library and conference publications, popular educational newsletters and websites from around the world.


The raw information is processed, abridged or summarized and translated into Hebrew. Much of the relevant information is synthesized into state of the art reviews of various areas of education.


The completed items are catalogued and indexed into the various sections of the portal (such as Teacher Education, Professional Development, Education Conferences, Special Education, Educational Technology, Educational Reform, Educational Assessment, Research Methods, etc.) and made accessible by a user-friendly search engine.


MASA publishes a monthly email newsletter with the newest portal listings to subscribers in order to keep them abreast of latest developments in the field.


With nearly 2500 items in its listings, MASA is the leading Hebrew language online pedagogical database serving the Hebrew speaking educational community around the world.

Updated: Mar. 21, 2010
