Kishuran – Hebrew Learning Materials Database


Source: Kishuran Hebrew Learning Materials Database 


The Kishuran Hebrew Learning Materials Database, sponsored by the Professional Advancement Fund of the Israel Teachers Union, is now the most comprehensive and high quality educational database in Israel. As of September, 2010, the databases staff had succeeded in including over 53,000 information items in the database. In comparison, other Israeli educational databases contain only about 4000 items.


Kishuran's professional staff characterize and catalog the materials according to school subjects, students' age and type of materials. The choosing and systematic categorizing of the items have made Kishuran the most useful and popular educational database among teachers in Israel. The site has over 5000 unique visits daily.


Kishuran's staff constantly updates the site's links. Searches in the database allow for the exact location of educational items from numerous sources in the Israeli educational system helping teachers and educators locate many useful materials very easily.

Updated: Nov. 16, 2010
