Hebrew Teachers' Seminar in Rome, Italy

June 29 - July 3, 2008



In response to a request from World Ort, The MOFET JTEC International Teachers' Training Project of The MOFET Institute, developed and held an intensive four day seminar for Italian Hebrew teachers in Rome this summer. Two Israeli teacher educators of MOFET Institute's Online Academy came to Rome to introduce the Italian Hebrew teachers to cutting edge technology to be used in the teaching of Hebrew in local Jewish schools.


Dr. Orli Albeck and Mr. Ram Steiner of Israel came to teach Hebrew teachers from Rome, Florence, Milano and Torino in the computer lab of the Jewish school in the old Jewish Ghetto in Rome.


During the seminar, ten intensive workshops were held, among them:
  • Using software packages for teaching Hebrew as a foreign language
  • Using online blogs and wikis for teaching Hebrew
  • Using online databases of the National Academy of the Hebrew Language along with other dictionaries and concordances
  • Using digital applications to create comics and educational games

The Israeli teachers and their local students enjoyed a warm welcome by the heads of the Roman Jewish community and Jewish educational establishment, paying a visit to the Great Synagogue and The Jewish Museum of Rome and having a rich meal at the Yotvata restaurant in the Ghetto.


The seminar opened up new vistas in Hebrew language education to the participating teachers and helped create the basis for an ongoing professional development community. The sessions presented by MOFET's experts were based on courses taught in the framework of The MOFET JTEC Online Academy for Jewish Studies.

Updated: Jul. 28, 2008
