Happy New Year - National Library of Israel Resource Pack


Source: National Library of Israel


Shana Tova cards are a souvenir of times when communication was far more difficult. Receiving a card from friends and family far away was a major family event. However with the development of more efficient communication devices such as telephones, the internet and mobile phones, the popularity of Shana Tova cards has declined.

The National Library of Israel collects Jewish memories and traditions and has also accumulated a large collection of Shana Tova cards that document the life of the Jewish people in the Diaspora and in Israel. These postcards contain fascinating photographs and illustrations, but more than that, they contain secrets just waiting to be discovered.

The Library has developed a set of educational activities - based on their very large collection of Shana Tova cards. By doing these activities and examining the different cards you can learn much about Jewish art and Jewish history.

Among the online activities on the library website:

  • A Shana Tova card at Hanukkah?
  • Exploring Shana Tova Cards
  • New Year postcard with a photograph of Alfred Dreyfus, 1901
  • New Year postcard with a photograph of Emile Zola, 1901
Updated: Sep. 16, 2015
