Jewish Poland Online Guide


Source: Jewish Poland Guide


This special Hebrew language online guide to Poland integrates a bird's eye tour with detailed information about both Polish and Jewish Poland whose history is greatly intertwined. The guide contains information, photos, videos and links to interesting sites and routes on as well as tours on Google Earth which were prepared by experts in historical and contemporary Poland.


The guide can be used by clicking on one of the names of the cities on the navigation menu or write the name of the site in the search box on the other side of the homepage. Clicking on the name will display information about the site as well as a dynamic Google Earth Map which will be displayed in the free Google Earth application which must be installed on the computer previously. The visitor can then commence his bird's eye tour of the selected area and access the text, images and videos embedded in the map.


Each site has been rated as from "obligatory to visit" (4 stars) to "optional to visit" (no stars).

One can also start the tour by viewing a map. Mousing over a colored balloon on the map will display the name of the site. Clicking on the balloon will display a window with a photo and a link to the site.

Updated: Jul. 31, 2012
