Contemporary Israeli Theory and Philosophy of Education: Major Trends and Practical Implications in the Multicultural Construction of Israeli Education

December, 2018

Source: Curriculum and Teaching, Volume 33, Number 2, pp. 23-46


This research stems from the understanding that a mapping out of major trends in contemporary Israeli theory and philosophy of education will be of value to researchers of philosophy and multiculturalism in education. The research focuses on interviews with prominent theorists of education in Israeli academia and aims at identifying trends of thought in contemporary Israeli philosophy of education. The research results in a map of trends encompassing solutions for redirecting Israeli education amidst postmodern cultural and technological developments of the 21st century. The common denominators identified may serve as a basis for future collaborations among different cultural sectors in Israeli education and provide a lens through which to analyze and improve education in other multicultural societies.

This study shows a common will among the three sectors of Israeli education to learn about their own sectors as well as the others, and to create better tolerance and respect toward the other. The summative picture which appears calls out for improvement of the educational system as a whole with regard to rethinking curricula and aligning with technological advancements, for creating more opportunities for encounters between pupils of the various sectors. Taking the futuristic trends into account, there is a call for routine online encounters between Jewish religious, Jewish secular and Arab schools, as well as regular encounters face to face by visiting schools of various sectors.

We hope that this study will be of value not only to Israeli educationalists who can benefit from the meta-picture of Israeli educational thought, but also to educationalists of other nations who seek for ways to improve intercultural understanding through education. This work has become ever more pressing with the movement of populations and the increase in immigration to Western countries. Education should be the first bastion of understanding in our changing world. Promotion of self and communal identity and respect for others may be the first educational step in this project.


Updated: Mar. 20, 2019
