MOFET Teach 2013 – A Study Tour & Conference in Israel on Technological Systems in Education

March 11-18, 2013
On March 11-18, 2013, the MOFET International Channel will hold a study session in Israel on the topic of the development and integration of technological systems in education - MOFET Teach 2013. 
The encounter will comprise two parts:

(1) A study tour on wheels. In this framework, the participants will tour various educational institutions (ranging from academia to the school system) as well as hi-tech companies that develop technologies for education; meet with position holders and government education representatives in the field; commute between the periphery and the center; be exposed to dilemmas and unique programs in the field; and visit historical sites;

(2) A conference at The MOFET Institute. In this framework, the tour participants and other interested parties will be able to present their programs, initiatives, and projects in the field.
The MOFET Teach 2013 study tour program can be viewed here.

The Mini-Conference

One day of the study tour will be devoted to a "mini-conference". The "mini-conference" will permit us to convert a "look and learn" study tour, into a rich and multi-layered international "community of practice". Your participation in the study tour will not be as a passive observer, but as an experienced practitioner, and your experience is important to us.
We want to learn from the rich experience of all of the participants: How do your institutions advance the educational use of ICT? What have you researched than can contribute to better practices in the schools?
This will be your opportunity to enrich us – to contribute your experience and knowledge to the entire group. In addition to your input, practitioners and researchers from Israel whom we won't have time to visit during the study tour will describe some of their projects.
Updated: Oct. 21, 2012
