June 5-July 22, 2016
Source: National Yiddish Book Center
Now in its fourth decade, the Steiner Summer Yiddish Program, a seven-week intensive course for college students, offers motivated students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Yiddish language and culture. Participants study with renowned scholars and build a community of yidishkayt in a supportive residential setting. The program will be held between June 5-July 22, 2016.
In the Steiner Summer Yiddish Program, undergraduate and graduate students ages 18-26:
- Take a full year of language courses in seven weeks, tuition free
- Gain substantive knowledge of Central and Eastern European Jewish history and culture in seminars with leading scholars of literature, film, music, and history
- Earn six college credits upon successful completion of the program
- Experience contemporary Yiddish culture during a field trip to New York City, where they tour
Yiddish-speaking neighborhoods and attend cultural events - Attend the Yiddish Book Center’s Yidstock: The Festival of New Yiddish Music
- Participate in paid internships, gaining professional experience working on Yiddish-based projects (intermediate students only)
- Create a community of peers from around the world in a residential environment
Application Deadline - February 8, 2016
Get more information and application here.