Source: Allegra Franco School of Educational Leadership
The Herzog Academic College of Alon Shvut, in affiliation with the Sephardic Rabbinical College and the Allegra Franco School of Educational Leadership, is proud to announce the launch of a 2-year Tanach Scholar certificate program.
This innovative program, comprised of a mixture of distance learning, on-line instruction, direct instruction and specially-developed pedagogical tours of Israel, is designed for the teacher who wishes to enhance his or her skills and knowledge in the area of Tanach instruction. It will give participants the opportunity to meet, learn from, and form close relationships with some of the most renowned Tanach teachers of our time, as well as create a community of practice for them. Integration of current pedagogical techniques, technology, modern Tanach scholarship and archeological findings will combine to enhance each participant’s skills and knowledge.
The program is designed to accommodate the needs and schedules of classroom teachers in all locations. The initial cohort is limited to 20 participants. The program will begin shortly after Pesach 2018. The application period is now open, and runs through January 31, 2018.
Get more information by writing the Tanach Scholar Program.