Source: Yeshiva University – The Institute for University - School Partnership
In today’s fast paced digital age, often parents feel left behind while their children seem to be easily navigating every rapid change and innovation. It is no wonder many parents are at a loss of how to assist, monitor and guide their children through the digital maze of the Web2.0 explosion. Eliezer Jones edited this guide to begin to assist parents in making informed decisions about technology, social media and the internet that are best for their children and family.
The guide contains a collection of articles and annotated links to many useful websites that deal with guiding youth in the intelligent and safe use of digital resources and applications. It explains important concepts & terms pertaining to the digital world to parents and presents ways to help create a constructive family dialogue about the healthy usage of digital resources.
The guide is divided into three main sections:
- Social Media
- Internet & Technology!
- Cyberbullying!
Recently Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky of The Frisch School in Paramus, NJ, wrote a blogpost in which he reviewed and mainly suggested additions and updates to the guide.
He suggested that the guide be updated to include the following areas in order to keep up with technology that continues to develop at a lightning pace and transform our kids' lives in new and unanticipated ways:
- The Emergence of New Social Media Sites
- The Convergence of Technology Platforms and the Rise of Mobile Devices
- Strategies for Addressing These Issues
- The Positives of Social Media