Chanukah begins at sundown this Thursday, December 10, 2020. As you begin to prepare Chanukah activities for your classroom and family, we want to make sure that you know about all the curated high-quality Chanukah resources on The Jewish Educator Portal.
The light of the Chanukah candles has deep significance in the Kabbalistic tradition. Get inspired with Sefaria's new series of Kabbalistic sheets, prepared by Rabbi Ami Silver, a teacher and scholar of Chasidut and Kabbalah. These resources provide both beginners and experienced learners with a deep dive into the topic of light and its special significance on Chanukah.
The Hartman Institute’s Hanukkah resource page offers a wealth of holiday content for you to explore, from articles by David Hartman on Hanukkah's message on defying mass culture and Shira Koch Epstein on uncovering the hidden divine light, to videos like Elana Stein Hain's The Many in the Hands of the Few and Noam Zion's Bringing Truth to Light,
Jewish Interactive has some nice Chanukah gifts for you: Great Chanukah resources and ideas for activities on how to make these 8 days more meaningful and fun!
The Lookstein Center has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for the upcoming holiday of Chanukah, including complete lesson plans, interactive presentations, printable activities, videos and online tools, classroom crafts and more!
Chanukah celebrates the miracle of the oil that burned in the Temple for eight nights. The oppression of the Syrian Greeks included a ban on Torah study and the flames that burned in the wake of the Maccabees' victory signified a return to the open study of Torah. As you celebrate and spread the light of Torah, we hope you find these resources from Sefaria helpful.
The Lookstein Center has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for the upcoming holiday of Chanukah, including complete lesson plans, interactive presentations, printable activities, videos and online tools, classroom crafts and more!
Of the many lessons of the Chanukah story, the importance of faith, is one of the most significant for students today. One way to teach this theme is with multimedia presentations provided by TorahLive. TorahLive provides teachers with high quality video productions, which excite and motivate students of all denominations and all ages. The films communicate Jewish values in a non-preachy, well organized, and energetic manner and speak in the language of today’s youth.
The Chanukah Page includes lesson sites in several languages,
videos, songs, Chanukah trivia quizzes, English Hebrew vocabulary lists,
recipes, games, humor, photos, clipart, coloring pages and
a map of the sites of the Maccabees 166-161 BCE.
Use primary sources from the National Library of Israel to enrich your educational activities for Chanukah. Through these sources and accompanying lesson plans, students will discover a variety of Chanukah customs and explore how Jews at different times and in different places celebrated Chanukah.