Applications Now Open for AVI CHAI Sponsorship For the 2016 Principals' Center Summer Institute at The Harvard Graduate School Of Education!


Source: Avi Chai Foundation


This summer, AVI CHAI is excited to once again sponsor day school leaders to attend one of two institutes at The Principals’ Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. New candidates, as well as those who have previously attended a summer institute prior to 2014 (with or without AVI CHAI sponsorship), are welcome to apply. The AVI CHAI Foundation believes that effective Jewish day schools require committed and competent leaders who both work to improve their students’ learning and Jewish experiences, and prioritize their own professional growth. We have therefore developed a year-long program, structured around the Harvard Summer Institutes, to help day school leaders achieve these goals.


This program is ideal for those leaders with significant decision-making and supervisory responsibilities in their schools, particularly with respect to the schools’ Jewish mission. Additionally, AVI CHAI strives to bring together leaders from diverse schools to enhance the experience and help participants develop networks and connections beyond their schools. Participation in this program is conditional upon the applicant remaining in his/her anticipated position for the 2016/17 academic year.

Based on your experience as a school leader, we encourage you to apply to one of the following institutes:

  • Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership (AOL) - June 26 - July 2, 2016
    1–5 Years of Leadership Experience
  • Leadership: An Evolving Vision (LEV) - July 10 - 16, 2016
    3+ Years of Leadership Experience

AVI CHAI sponsorship covers tuition and hotel accommodations (not including parking). Kosher food at breakfast and lunch are provided throughout the institute. In addition, AVI CHAI will sponsor select kosher dinners during the institute exclusively for day school participants. Additional dinners, or those before or after the times of the institutes, and travel to and from Harvard, are the responsibility of the applicant.

Application Deadline: March 18, 2016

Click here for more information and registration.

Updated: Mar. 09, 2016
