YU School Partnership Online Professional Development Modules

Mar. 02, 2014

Source: YU University-School Partnership


The YU School Partnership is pleased to offer meaningful and high quality 2-4 week online courses that we call modules. Our modules are specially created with the realities of the busy educator in mind. Choose from our extensive catalog of relevant and exciting topics. Our modules are taught by teachers and administrators in Jewish day schools who have chosen our platform to share their passions in the classroom. Both general and Jewish studies teachers can benefit from the modules.


YU professional development counselors can help guide teachers in choosing courses that best match their subject areas and grade levels. Modules require 2-3 hours of work per week. All materials are designed to be applied directly into the classroom. All feedback is meant to provide teachers with support, suggestions and action plans to incorporate new ideas and strategies into the classroom. Teachers looking to be role models for their students in life long learning can use our courses to meet their professional development goals, enhance their growth and help them meet the needs of their diverse learners.


Among the PD Modules offered:

  • Differentiated Instruction Starter Guide
  • Redefining Education with Technology Integration
  • The Workshop Model for Lesson Planning in the Jewish Studies Classroom
  • Tefilah Education: Challenges, Goals, and Strategies
  • Project Based Learning
  • The 21st Century Judaic Studies Teacher: The Why, the What, and (most importantly) the How

Visit the PD Modules web page for more information and registration.

Updated: Dec. 31, 2014
