Redefining Israel Education at Prozdor

August 25, 2011



Dan Brosgol, director of Prozdor Hebrew High School, wrote in the blog about the development of the Israel education curriculum at Prozdor in collaboration with the Hebrew Reali School of Haifa, Israel.


"We are about to enter the second the year of Prozdor’s Pirke Dorot program with the Reali School in Haifa. Last year we began our transformation of Israel education by writing a new ninth grade curriculum which dealt with both the history of Israel and Zionism and Jewish identity. By beginning to explore both history and identity through a common lens, the two schools began to understand each other a little better.


This year we are continuing the innovation by introducing an entirely revamped 10th grade core curriculum entitled “One People: Two Paths - The Jews of Israel and the United States”. Being developed concurrently at Prozdor by Norm Finkelstein, a historian, award-winning author, and long-time Prozdor instructor, and in Haifa by at teachers at Reali, the curriculum focuses on the evolution of American and Israeli societies over six decades from 1950-2010. In each decade, students explore overarching areas whose themes are common both to America and Israel, with the readings and presentations being representative of the experiences of typical American Jews and Israelis in those times. Focusing on key figures in all areas of society, including politics, business, literature and the arts, our students will learn about the people and events that shaped the histories of both nations.


It’s one thing to meet each other. It’s another to learn about each other’s history. But to truly understand someone you need to learn about where they came from, their history, their culture, and the development of their identities- personal, national, cultural, and religious. By moving beyond the stereotypes and the banalities which have been all too present in Israel education, we are redefining what it means to teach Americans and Israelis about each other."

Updated: Aug. 31, 2011
