New Israel Engagement Models for URJ Camps

June 3, 2013

Source: eJewish Philanthropy


Five years ago, URJ Camps launched an Israel education and advocacy initiative with the generous support of the Legacy Heritage Fund. Partnering with the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Education on the New York campus, the iCenter and MAKOM, the URJ worked to develop strategies, curricula and an evaluation processes to reimagine, enhance and deepen the presence of Israel at URJ camps. With collaborative input from academics, educators, camp directors, camp staff and campers themselves, the URJ staff experimented with diverse educational methodologies that reshaped Israel engagement models, creating stronger connections between North Americans and Israelis while also strengthening Jewish education overall.


After five years of intensive and exciting work, not only is Israel engagement within URJ camps visibly integrated into rituals, public spaces and throughout the community, but also within the consciousness of educators, staff and, most important, the campers themselves. However, the work is far from finished. The URJ is committed to building on what we have learned and partnering with other organizations in our efforts to enhance the ways we incorporate Israel and Israelis into camp and community life and contributing to the field of Israel education.


Read the entire post in eJewish Philanthropy.

Updated: Jun. 11, 2013
